Kancelaria prawna Karnatowski Wierzchowska

⚓ The Way of the Sailor

Legal Advisor
Błażej Karnatowski

phone. 77 557 14 10
e-mail: sekretariat@kpkw.eu

Agnieszka Wierzchowska

⚓ The Way of the Sailor

Legal Advisor
Błażej Karnatowski

Agnieszka Wierzchowska

tel. 77 557 14 10
e-mail: kancelaria@kpkw.eu


Our mission

KPKW Law Firm offers a full range of legal services. Our business model institutes division into two departments responsible for handling: Corporate Clients and Individual Clients. This allows us to combine the versatility of services offered with the necessity of specialization in specific areas of law.

The foundation of our relationships with our Clients is trust. We take care of the legal security of our Clients so that they can comfortably carry out their intentions, plans and professional passions.

We are distinguished by the speed of response, accuracy in operation and the highest standard of service, which we combine with the optimum level of compensation, flexibility and creativity of proposed legal solutions.

The mission of the Office is to provide legal services at the highest level, taking into account the needs of the individual Client. We want to offer our Clients a sense of legal security, so that our cooperation with them would be long-term and permanent.


KPKW Law Firm offers to Individual Clients:

Seeking compensation and pursuing claims from insurers, perpetrators of road accidents, hospitals and health clinics, roads and property managers, organizers of mass events, employers who violate safety rules, irresponsible animal breeders and unscrupulous and unreliable contractors and vendors.

We specialize in areas of employment, compensation and civil law, including family law.

We pursuit individual and collective cases. Consumer groups, composed of at least 10 individuals with identical claims, may benefit from cheap and convenient class action.


Payment for legal services is determined individually, depending on the assumed form of cooperation, Client preference and specific action taken.


  • Hourly Rate – It is most commonly used form of remuneration for ad hoc (one time) contract. The rateper hour is determined individually with the customer and depends on: the type andcomplexity of the entrusted case, the volume of documentation and materials. The hourly rate shall be decreased after reaching beyond certain limits in a given period (decreasingrate).

  • Lump sum remuneration – This form of remuneration is mainly used in long-term contracts and the ad hoc contractsin which in advance we can predict the scope of work required.


In determining compensation for litigation, we refer to the minimum rates laid down in the applicable provisions of Regulations of the Minister of Justice of 28 September 2002 on legal advisors fees, plus by VAT. In more complex cases, or representing in many homogeneous cases it is possible to establish different rules, including the use of so-called. success fee (pactum de quota litis).

Contact us


KPKW Law Office organize appointment with a client in the cities of Wroclaw, Milicz, Brzeg, Opole, by prior arrangement of date and time by phone or contact form.

When it is needed and possible KPKW Law Office gives legal advices also via the Internet.

Headquarters of the Office:

Błażej Karnatowski Kancelaria Prawna
st. Chopina 13/2
49-300 Brzeg, POLAND
Tax ID: PL7471691183;
Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
16 1050 1490 1000 0092 6203 3237

Agnieszka Wierzchowska Kancelaria Adwokacka
st. Wojska Polskiego 5a/12
56-300 Milicz, Poland
Tax ID: PL9161310437
Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
22 1050 1490 1000 0092 0311 1449

Contact address and telephone:

e-mail: kancelaria@kpkw.eu lub sekretariat@kpkw.eu
phone: 77 557 14 10
mobile. 664 772 472 lub 609 467 960

If there is a problem with sending messages using the form, please contact us at the following address: blazej.karnatowski(*)gmail.com

(*) – Replace the @

Map and directions - Brzeg

Map and directions - Milicz

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