KPKW Law Office organize appointment with a client in the cities of Wroclaw, Milicz, Brzeg, Opole, by prior arrangement of date and time by phone or contact form.
When it is needed and possible KPKW Law Office gives legal advices also via the Internet.
Headquarters of the Office:
Błażej Karnatowski Kancelaria Prawna
st. Chopina 13/2
49-300 Brzeg, POLAND
Tax ID: PL7471691183;
Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
16 1050 1490 1000 0092 6203 3237
Agnieszka Wierzchowska Kancelaria Adwokacka
st. Wojska Polskiego 5a/12
56-300 Milicz, Poland
Tax ID: PL9161310437
Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
22 1050 1490 1000 0092 0311 1449
Contact address and telephone:
e-mail: lub
phone: 77 557 14 10
mobile. 664 772 472 lub 609 467 960
If there is a problem with sending messages using the form, please contact us at the following address: blazej.karnatowski(*)
(*) – Replace the @